古谷 能子
Yoshiko Furuya

Research Administrator, Specially Appointed Academic Policy Researcher

大阪大学 大学院言語文化研究科 言語社会専攻 博士前期課程修了 修士(言語文化学)




古谷 能子

Yoshiko Furuya has been engaged in international educational programs and research support as an administrative staff member at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, the Center for International Educational Exchange (Osaka University), the International College of Osaka University (Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program), the National Museum of Ethnology, and the Immunology Frontier Research Center (Osaka University). She started her career as a university research administrator in the Office of Management and Planning, Osaka University in April, 2021. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and a Master of Arts in Language and Culture. Her hobby is growing roses.