國政 歩美
Ayumi Kunimasa

Research Administrator

大阪大学 大学院人間科学研究科 博士前期課程 修了、修士(人間科学)



國政 歩美

She obtained M.A. from Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University. Her first career started in Graduate School of Science, Osaka University and mainly in charged in grant management of research support section. In 2020-2021, participated in the International Academic Exchange Training at Japan Society for Promotion of Science, she experienced Overseas fellowship division of International Policy Planning Department (2020) and Japan-US academic collaboration programs development and overseas office operation at JSPS Washignton Office (2021). Returning to Osaka University in 2022, she engaged in Grant-in-Aid managements at Department of Research Promotion and started her career as URA at Office of Management and Plannning.