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(学内向け Internal announcement)First Osaka University-EPFL International Symposium開催のおしらせ/Announcement of First Osaka Unviersity-EPFL International Symposium

★English Text Below

2013年12月2日~4日の3日間に渡り、大阪大学とスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(以下EPFL)との研究や人材交流を目的とした第1回Osaka Univ.-EPFL International Symposiumを開催します。リサーチシンポジウムに加え、スイス大使館と日東電工株式会社の後援を受けて様々な企画を催します。大型教育研究プロジェクト支援室URAチームは、本シンポジウム等の開催・運営を支援しています。


First Osaka University-EPFL International Symposium 実施概要

1.chemical biology, organic chemistryリサーチシンポジウム


・日 時:2013 年12月2日(月)~4日(水)

・場 所:大阪大学銀杏会館3階ホール※リンク先の地図上5番の建物です


大型教育研究プロジェクト支援室 担当 望月までご連絡ください。
Email: mayumi.mochizuki@lserp.osaka-u.ac.jp
(件名:registration for research symposium としてください。参加登録者は自動的にすべての企画に参加登録されます)



・日 時:2013年12月2日(月)17時30分~18時30分

・場 所:大阪大学銀杏会館3階ホール※リンク先の地図上5番の建物です


大型教育研究プロジェクト支援室 担当 望月までご連絡ください。
Email: mayumi.mochizuki@lserp.osaka-u.ac.jp
(件名:registration for swiss promotion session としてください。)



・日 時:2013年12月2日(月)12時~17時

・場 所:大阪大学銀杏会館3階ロビー※リンク先の地図上5番の建物です




Announcement of First Osaka Unviersity-EPFL International Symposium

Osaka University and Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) will organize First Osaka Univ.-EPFL International Symposium on December 2-4, 2013 at Osaka University to reinforce research collaboration and researcher exchanges. This time, in addition to the research symposium, there are several unique events organized with help of the Embassy of Switzerland and Nitto Denko.

Following 3 events are organized in this international symposium. The symposium schedule is available here as PDF.

First Osaka University-EPFL International Symposium Events

1.Research symposium for chemical biology and organic chemistry

The main topic of this international symposium is a research symposium for chemical biology and organic chemistry held on Dec 2-4. 15 PIs from Osaka University and EPFL will talk about their state-of-art science and poster session and networking with PIs and young researchers are planned within the program.

-date:Dec 2-4

-place:Icho Kaikan, Osaka Univ.※No5 on this map

How to participate

If you would like to participate, please contact to;
for registration and abstract information.
*Email with title: registration for research symposium
Note: Registered participants can join all events
    There are limited numbers of places and early registration is recommended.

2.Swiss promotion session by the Ambassador of Switzerland

The Ambassador of Switzerland will introduce Switzerland, higher education, science and technology, internationalization.

-date:Dec 2, 17:30-18:30

-place:Icho Kaikan, Osaka Univ.※No5 on this map

How to participate

If you would like to participate, you need to register by email to:
*Email with title: registration for swiss promotion session
Note: This session is part of the research symposium and is open to everyone from Osaka University
    There are limited numbers of places and early registration is recommended.

3.Swiss Fair

For those who are interested in studying in Switzerland, Science & Technology Office, the Embassy of Switzerland will open booth.

-date:Dec 2, 12:00-17:00

-place:Icho Kaikan, Osaka Univ.※No5 on this map

How to participate

Registration is not required. Please feel free to visit the fair when you have time.

We hope that you will be joining us!

2017年3月26日(日) 更新