大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR

On May 9, 2024, the URL has changed to:

これさえ読めば外国人研究者もスタートラインに立てる!科研費英語申請サポートコンテンツを公開しました(学内専用)/Useful Information on the Grants-in-Aid -KAKENHI- FY2015(Only Available to Osaka Univer


◎Useful Information on the Grants-in-Aid -KAKENHI- FY2015(マイハンダイへのログインが必要)


The URA team and the Research Promotion Division of Osaka University are happy to announce that Useful Information on the Grants-in-Aid -KAKENHI- FY2015 is now available on My Handai for international researchers and their supporters.

◎Useful Information on the Grants-in-Aid -KAKENHI- FY2015
Only Available to Osaka University researchers (Login to My Handai is required)

All the information on the web page was specially selected for international researchers who plan to challenge the KAKENHI.
This page includes a number of very important documents such as "how to apply for the KAKENHI", "Major changes for FY2015", "Application Procedures for Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research-KAKENHI- for FY2015" (tentative version by Osaka University. Only available here until the official English guideline comes out!!) .
Please make full use of these information for your successful KAKENHI applications.

2017年3月26日(日) 更新