大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR

On May 9, 2024, the URL has changed to:

2024年1月より Wiley社との転換契約開始
英語論文の投稿支援(オープンアクセス化, SN転換契約, 英文校正) 2023年度後期

Publication Support for English Research Papers (Second Half of FY 2023) ”Transformative Agreement with Wiley"will start effective Jan2024! English Text

【重要】2023年10月 2日(月) , , ,

  英語論文のオープンアクセス支援【Springer Nature社・Wiley社転換契約】

※ 各プログラムの詳細及び募集要項はこちら(学内限定)をご参照ください。

【問合せ】研究推進部 研究企画課 研究支援事業係  メール:research-support@office.osaka-u.ac.jp

このほか、論文をオープンアクセスで出版する際の費用(APC : Article Processing Charge)の割引や免除もあります。


2024年2月29日(木) 更新
ページ担当者:URA 森下・吉澤・小林

Publication Support for English Research Papers (Second Half of FY 2023) ”Transformative Agreement with Wiley"will start effective Jan2024!

October 2, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the following support programs, which aim to help researchers with scholarly publication, have opened calls for applications for the second half of FY 2023.
Some changes from the previous fiscal year have been made in each program. For details, please refer to the application guidelines .

1. English Language Editing Support (For Journal Article Publishing)
(Details are in the application guidelines.)

2. Open Access Publishing Support [Support for Article Processing Charge]
(Details are in the application guidelines.)

3. Open Access Publishing Support [Transformative Agreement with Springer Nature and Wiley]
(Details are in the application guidelines.)

-Contact Information-
Department of Research Promotion,
Research Planning Division,
Research Support Section
e-mail: research-support@office.osaka-u.ac.jp