大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR

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Workshop for promoting international research operations at Osaka University English Text

2016年2月15日(月)・17日(水)・18日(木)【学内向け】 , , , , ,

アムステルダム大学グラントサポートオフィスから研究資金アドバイザーを講師にお招きし、 本学の研究の国際対応高度化を目的とした研修/セミナーを開催します。
欧州屈指の研究型総合大学で、世界大学ランキングでも上位に位置するアムステルダム大学にて、 グラントサポートオフィスはオランダ国内やEU等の競争的資金獲得支援を担っています。今回は、アムステルダム大学の概要を始め、 海外助成金獲得に関する対応や、欧州レベルの研究助成金に対する日本の大学の参加可能性、若手研究者支援など幅広い内容を扱います。

English Text Below

Click here for your registration

大阪大学における研究の国際対応高度化研修/セミナー Workshop for promoting international research operations at Osaka University

~アムステルダム大学 グラントサポートオフィスとの 情報交換・ディスカッションを通じて~
--Discussion and Information Exchange with the University of Amsterdam, Grant Support --



■会場:吹田キャンパス サイバーメディアセンター吹田本館1F サイバーメディアコモンズ
  ※ただし、情報交換会のみ、吹田キャンパス 産学連携本部B棟1階会議室で実施







■主催:大阪大学 大型教育研究プロジェクト支援室

      ou-uva_ws2016@lserp.osaka-u.ac.jp(川人 Kawahito・花岡 Hanaoka)
      TEL.06-6879-4817(内線171-4817)(川人 Kawahito)
        06-6879-4825(内線171-4825)(花岡 Hanaoka)


※参加者は2月15日(月)17時30分~19時に開催する情報交換会にも参加が可能。(会費1,500円程度、場所 吹田キャンパス産学連携本部B棟1階会議室)

2月15日(月)13時~16時30分 セッション1 相手を知る・自らを知る(定員50名)

2月17日(水)9時30分~12時 セッション2 若手研究者支援を考える

2月18日(木)9時30分~12時 セッション3 海外助成金への対応を考える



Bea Krenn 博士
アムステルダム大学グラントサポートオフィス シニア研究資金アドバイザー

Bea Krenn_D2B3532 蛋白質化学・酵素学で博士号取得後、欧州研究ネットワーク(European Research Network)において、膜蛋白質に関する研究に従事。IBMオランダで情報通信技術の専門家としての資格を取得し業務経験を積んだ後、アムステルダム大学で再び生化学の研究に取り組む。2003年から2007年には、オランダ癌研究所で欧州の競争的資金アドバイザーと、2つのEU共同研究プロジェクトのコーディネータを兼務。2007年9月からアムステルダム大学のグラントサポートオフィスのシニア研究資金アドバイザー。2011年からは週2日、アムステルダム大学社会科学研究所(AISSR)の研究プログラム開発・評価マネージャーも務める。AISSRは、オランダ最大の社会科学研究所で、人類学、人文地理学・計画・国際開発、政治科学、社会学の4分野の研究を行っている。

Olga Gritsai博士

Olga Gritsai_D2B1036.jpg 主に欧州の都市の変遷プロセスに着目した研究により社会地理学で博士号取得後、東西両ヨーロッパの研究機関で国際共同研究プロジェクトのコーディネートや運営の経験を積む。アムステルダム大学が関わる多数の欧州プロジェクトで研究とマネジメントを兼務した後、2010年11月からアムステルダム大学グラントサポートオフィスで研究資金アドバイザーとなる。主な担当分野は社会科学、法学。


欧州屈指の研究型総合大学で、世界大学ランキングでも上位 に位置するアムステルダム大学(University of Amsterdam)の研究支援部門であるグラントサポートオフィス(Grant Support)は、主に外部資金獲得支援を担っている本部組織で、15名のスタッフが本部オフィスと担当部局を行き来しながら人的ネットワークを構築し、本部オフィスへの研究情報の集約と研究者の外部資金獲得支援等を組織的に推進している。 また、外部資金申請の前段階においては、欧州レベルや国レベルでのロビー活動にも取り組み、大学の研究戦略の実現にも関わっている。同大学は教員に占める外国人比率が約20%で、欧州レベルの資金獲得も積極的に行われているため、日常的に国際対応業務を行っている組織と言える。

2018年3月24日(土) 更新

Workshop for promoting international research operations at Osaka University

February 15, 2016

--Discussion and Information Exchange with the University of Amsterdam, Grant Support --

Within the framework of The Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities, the "workshop for promoting international research operations at Osaka University" is scheduled for Osaka University's researchers and research support staff to learn European research funding opportunities for Japanese researchers, Osaka University's management for overseas research funding opportunities, and support scheme for young researchers.


1. Date
February 15(Mon),17(Wed),and 18(Thu), 2016 Outline of sessions are below

2. Venue
Osaka University Suita Campus, 1st floor of Cybermedia Center, Cybermedia Commons
(Please note that the social event will be held at Suita Campus, Office for University Industry Collaboration, Building B in the 1st floor meeting room).

3. Target Participants
Osaka University's research support staff (including specially appointed administrative staff), who are involved with research support, research promotion, and international relations, or anyone interested in these areas of work.
Osaka University's academic staff (including specially appointed staff), who are interested in / involved in international joint research.


4. Registration
Click here for your registration

Please enter personal data on the online registration form before February 1 in the link (for each event registration will close after reaching the limit for participants)

5. Expenditures
Expenditures relating to participation must be born by the participants' respective departments and section. The fee for participating in the social event (1,500JPY) must be paid by the individual participants.

6. Language
English with Japanese language support (reference material in English and Japanese and bilingual URAs will provide translation assistance during the Q&A sessions).

7. Organizer
Support Office for Large-Scale Education and Research Projects(LSERP), Osaka University

8. contact
Support Office for Large-Scale Education and Research Projects (Contact: Kawahito, for inquiries about the content)
Support Office for Large-Scale Education and Research Projects, Department of Research Promotion, Research Promotion Division (Contact: Hanaoka, for inquiries about administrative procedures)
      ou-uva_ws2016@lserp.osaka-u.ac.jp(川人 Kawahito・花岡 Hanaoka)
      TEL.06-6879-4817(ext.171-4817)(川人 Kawahito)
        06-6879-4825(ext.171-4825)(花岡 Hanaoka)


Sessions1~3 are separate sessions and participants can register for each ones.
Participants can also participate in the information exchange/social event on Mon. 15 between 17:30--19:00(participation for the information exchange/social event is 1500 JPY. The venue is the 1st floor meeting room in the Office for University-Industry Collaboration Building B).

OU=Osaka University, UvA=University of Amsterdam

February 15 (Mon) 13:00--16:30 pm Session1. Know your partner, know yourself(50 persons)
a)Introductions and outlines of both universities and of their research support systems
b)Introduction of good practices for research support at both universities
- OU support cases: central research support office(LSERP), Immunology Frontier Research Center(IFReC), and Faculty of Law Faculty of Science
- UvA support cases: grant application support and lobby activities
c)Discussion (Q&A)

February 17 (Wed) 9:30--12:00 Session2. How to support young and early career researchers (30 persons)
a)Introduction of measures for supporting young researchers
- OU : grant support for the "Research Fellowship for Young Scientists" program and support of the program for promoting international recognition of OU research results
- UvA : coaching for young researchers
b)Discussion of measures to improve support of young researchers

February 18 (Thu)9:30--12:00 Session3.How to manage overseas research funding opportunities (30 persons)
a)Introduction and outlines of both universities' pre- and post-award of overseas research funding
b)UvA: Information on the possibilities of participation in Horizon 2020 for Japanese Universities
c)Discussion on measures for support of international research grant applications (institutional level/research support level)

[Guest Speakers]

Bea Krenn_D2B3532

Dr.Bea Krenn
Senior advisor research funding at the University of Amsterdam

After a masters in chemistry, for her PhD Bea specialized in protein-chemistry/enzymology and worked as researcher on membrane proteins within a European Research Network. Bea also qualified and worked as an Information Communication Technology specialist at IBM Netherlands, but returned as a biochemist to the University of Amsterdam. From 2003 to 2007 Bea was European grants adviser at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, where she also managed two EU collaborative projects as an adjunct coordinator. Since September 2007 Bea has been working as Senior advisor research funding at Grant Support UvA (part of Innovation Exchange Amsterdam office UvA HvA). Since 2011 she is also Manager Program Development and Valorization at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) for 2 days a week. The AISSR, the largest research institute on social sciences in the Netherlands includes four disciplines: Anthropology; Human Geography, Planning & International Development; Political Science and Sociology.

Area of expertise: European and national research grants, research management and administration, research collaboration within and outside EU on research topics ranging from life sciences, to ICT and social sciences.

Olga Gritsai_D2B1036.jpg

Dr.Olga Gritsai
Advisor research funding at the University of Amsterdam

Olga got her PhD in social geography with interests lying mainly in the field of transformation processes in European cities. She has a record of working in both West- and East European research organizations where she gained experience in running and coordinating international projects. She has combined research and management working in a number of European projects with UvA as coordinator. Since November 2010 Olga works as an advisor in research funding in Grant Support UvA (part of IXA office UvA-HvA), with a focus on social sciences and law.

Area of expertise: European and national research grants, culture and diversity in research management and administration, research collaboration within and outside EU

[Grant Support at the University of Amsterdam]

At one of Europe's most prominent comprehensive research universities, the University of Amsterdam, which is ranking high in the world university rankings, the Grant Support office, forming part of the main administration, performs research support functions with a focus on support of applications for external research funding. Here, 15 members of staff are maintaining a dense intermural network as they are constantly moving between the main administration and the respective departments. In doing so, they gather research related information for the main administration and perform an organized development of support activities relating to external grant application. Furthermore, in the pre-stages to applying for external funding they also perform lobby activities at the domestic and European levels and they are involved in implementing the university's research strategies. The ratio of the international academic staff at the University of Amsterdam is ca. 20%, and following proactive commitment to application for external research funding at the European level, they are performing international operations on a daily basis.