大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR大阪大学 経営企画オフィス URA×IR

On May 9, 2024, the URL has changed to:

学内向け平成32年度(2020年度)採用分 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 申請支援について

Support for the Applicaton of "JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists" English Text

2019年3月19日(火)〜4月30日(火) 【学内向け】 , ,



2020特別研究員申請書作成マニュアル(1版)表紙.jpg H32gakushin_english manual.jpg


1. 日時:平成31年3月13日(水)10:00~11:20
2. 場所:吹田キャンパス サイバーメディアセンター サイバーメディアコモンズ
3. プログラム:
 ・ The outline of the JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientist
 ・ How to write a successful proposal
 ・ JSPS DC fellowship: My Experience
 ・ Individual consultation
4. 主催:経営企画オフィス研究支援部門(協力:研究推進課、国際企画課)

1. 対象
本学を受入機関または申請機関として、平成32年度(2020年度)採用分特別研究員-DC, PD, RPD
2. 提出期間・方法
特別研究員-DC, PD 申請予定者:
3. 提出書類
・ 電子申請システムで作成した申請書情報(PDF)※
・ 申請内容ファイル(MS-Word;MS-Word 以外で作成の場合はPDF 可)
※ 申請書情報(PDF)のパスワード設定は必ず解除してください。
4. 留意事項
・ アドバイスに対する申込受付後、10営業日を目安としてコメントを返却いたします。
・ 申込状況によって、上記期間内であっても申込みを締め切る場合があります。
・ 申請に関する所属部局内締切は、申請予定者本人の責任において遵守するようご留意願います。
5. 問い合わせ先

【2019年11月頃 実施予定】模擬面接

2020年3月11日(水) 更新

Support for the Applicaton of "JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists"

March 19, 2019
平成32年度(2020年度)採用分 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 申請支援について

Research Management and Administration (URA) Section, Office of Management and Planning are here to support you in applying for the GAKUSHIN fellowship. For more information, access KOAN or MyHandai

Application Manual for the FY2020 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC)
The Application Manual for the FY 2020 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC) (日本学術振興会特別研究員) is for applicants intending to apply for the FY 2020 DC fellowship. Contents of this manual are based on the official JSPS Call for Proposals, and on our experiences of providing writing support for applicants in the past 5 years. (EN and JP)
H31J manual.jpgApplicationManualCover.jpg

To download the PDF version of this manual: https://my.osaka-u.ac.jp/admin/kensui/special_researcher/application-information/2020-01
This manual is not to be distributed outside of Osaka University.

"JSPS (GAKUSHIN) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists" Consultation on Proposal Writing
To those who are planning to apply for the JSPS (GAKUSHIN) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists this year, individual consultation on proposal writing via e-mail is available. Research Administrators (proposal development experts) from the URA Project, Office of Management and Planning will provide advice on your proposal (Japanese or English).
1. Registration and draft submission: http://osku.jp/z0074
2. Submission period: April 1 - 15, 2019
3. Materials to be submitted for consultation:
 - PDF file of「電子申請システムで作成した申請書情報 (Application Information)」
 -「申請内容ファイル(File of Details of Application / proposal)」in MS-Word (those who use other application than MS-Word, please submit it in PDF format.)
4. Note:
 - Prospective applicants for this GAKUSHIN fellowship (FY2020)* is welcome.
  *"The host researcher during fellowship period(受入研究者)" has to be academic staff of Osaka University.
 - Please remove the password setting of "申請者情報Application Information" PDF file for your submission.
 - If you cannot remove the password setting, please let us know your password at the request form "Any message to URA?".
5. Contact:
 Research Management and Administration (URA) Section, Office of Management and Planning, Osaka University

"JSPS (GAKUSHIN) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC)" Information Session
The session was held in English and provide international graduate students with important information on the fellowship system and how to write the proposal.
1. Date & Time: 10:00-11:20 , Wednesday March 13, 2019
2. Venue: Cybermedia Commons, Cybermedia Center, Suita Campus
3. Program:
 - The outline of the JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists
 - How to write a successful proposal
 - JSPS DC fellowship: My Experience
 - Individual consultation
4. Organizer: Research Management and Administration (URA) Section, Office of Management and Planning
5. Support by: Research Promotion Division Department of Research Promotion and Department of International Affairs

【To be announced】Mock Interview
To be announced for interview candidates around mid thru late october.