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Scholarly Publication Week English Text

English text below.

セミナー参加登録はこちらです / Registration

2019年1月21日(月)~ 1月25日(金)

① セミナー・シリーズ
② 書籍展示(図書館)
③ 書籍フェア(生協)

① セミナー・シリーズ

David Kipler 学術出版トレーナー・コンサルタント
学術、サイエンス・コミュニケーションのスペシャリスト。第一言語が英語ではない研究者が、より多くの読者や聴衆を獲得する為のサポートを得意とする。2005年、BELS(Board of Editors in the Life Science)校正者資格取得。更に、英語のリーディング・ライティング、医学英語の講師として、幅広い経験を持つ。14年間、東邦大学医学部に勤務。その他、東京大学、慶応大学の医学部などでも講義を担当。また生物医学の出版分野に長くかかわり、Journal of Epidemiologyを初め、日本の様々な学術誌の言語エディターを務める。現在は分野を問わず研究者、ジャーナル、サイエンスライター向けの英語論文執筆、研究発表等に関わる講師として活躍中。

セミナー1 説得力のある英語研究論文を書くコツと図表の効果的な使い方
日時:2019年1月23日(水)14:00 - 16:00 open 13:30
会場:豊中キャンパス 総合図書館6階図書館ホール(アクセス
理学研究科 J棟(教育研究交流棟)2F南部陽一郎ホール(アクセス

定員:80名 140名
14:00-14:50 論理的に説得力のある論文を書くコツ
14:50-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:45 図表の効果的な使い方
15:45-16:00 Q & A

セミナー2 エディターの心を動かすカバーレター執筆と査読対応
日時:2019年1月24日(木)14:40 - 16:10 open 14:10
会場:箕面キャンパス 言語文化研究科 研究講義棟A棟 A101講義室(地図の1番
14:40-15:55 効果的なカバーレター執筆と査読対策
15:55-16:10 Q & A

セミナー3 英語を母語としない人が間違えやすい論文英語の表現
日時:2019年1月25日(金)14:00 - 16:00 open 13:30
会場:吹田キャンパス 銀杏会館阪急電鉄・三和銀行ホール(地図の11番
14:00-14:50 英語を母語としない人が間違えやすい論文文法
14:50-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:45 句読点の役割と効果的な使い方
15:45-16:00 Q & A

② 書籍展示
展示期間: 2019年1月21日(月)~1月25日(金)
展示場所: 生命科学図書館 1F エントランスホール
展示期間: 2019年1月7日(月)~1月28日(月)
展示場所: 西館1階ラーニング・コモンズ
展示期間: 2019年1月15日(火)~(予定)
展示場所: 外国学図書館1階るくす

③ 書籍フェア



* 本イベントは、文部科学省研究大学強化促進事業の一環で行います。



2021年7月16日(金) 更新

Scholarly Publication Week

January 21, 2019
Seminar Registration

The following events will be held during the "Scholarly Publication Week", which is scheduled from Monday January 21 through Friday January 25, 2019.

1. Seminar series
2. Book exhibitions (at libraries)
3. Book fairs (at CO-OP bookstores)

See below for details.

1. Seminar series

Open to:
academic staff, research fellows, and postgraduate students of Osaka University
*Purpose: to help you improve your skills of scholarly writing and get published
*"New Faculty Training Program" (Research Development) credits can be granted upon request.
*All seminars will be delivered in English.

David Kipler
Academic publication trainer & consultant, CACTUS Communications
David Kipler is a specialist in biomedical communications for pharmaceutical companies, journals, and authors. His professional focus is helping researchers whose first language is not English to reach a larger audience. David obtained his certification as an Editor in the Life Sciences in 2005. In addition, he has extensive experience as an instructor in English reading and writing and English for Medical Purposes; he was a member of the Toho University Faculty of Medicine for 14 years and has held faculty appointments at top universities in Japan, including The University of Tokyo and Keio University School of Medicine. David has long been involved in biomedical publishing and has served as language editor for several journals in Japan, including the Journal of Epidemiology. David has written and presented on English education in Japanese medical universities, medical terminology, and professional development for biomedical communicators and is coauthor of the Medical English Listening Course for ALC NetAcademy. He is a member of the American Medical Writers Association, the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences, and the Japan Society for Medical English Education.

Seminar 1 Effective science writing and usage of tables and figures
Date & time: 14:00 - 16:00 (open 13:30), Wednesday January 23, 2019
Venue: 6F Library Hall, Main Library, Toyonaka Campus (Access)
Nambu Yoichiro Hall, 2F Bldg. J, Graduate School of Science, Toyonaka Campus (Access)
Note that the venue has been changed!

Room capacity: 80 140
14:00-14:50 Techniques of writing a logical and convincing research article
We will discuss the principles and characteristics of good science writing, including clarity, accuracy, concision, and etc.
14:50-15:00 Break
15:00-15:45 Using tables and figures effectively
Science writing requires efficient visual presentation of complex information. Tables are often the ideal format to present a large amount of information, while figures help readers grasp complex relationships in data. Poorly presented or unnecessary tables and figures impede rather than facilitate communication. This talk will review principles, practices, and common errors in the visual presentation of information in scholarly publishing. The topics to be covered include: the elements of tables and figures, determining when tables and figures are necessary, advice on preparing tables and figures, and common errors in preparing and submitting tables and figures for publication.
15:45-16:00 Q & A

Seminar 2 Writing appealing cover letters and appropriate responses to reviewers
Registration has been closed since the full capacity has been reached.
Date & time: 14:40 - 16:10 (open 14:10), Thursday January 24, 2019
Venue: 101 Research & Lecture Bldg. A, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Minoh Campus(No.1 on the map
Room capacity: 70
14:40-15:55 How to write appealing cover letters and appropriate responses to reviewers
A good cover letter expedites the review process by accurately describing the goals and value of your research, your contact information, and your publication preferences. Another aspect of the submission process—responding to reviewer comments—requires attention to detail and, often, tact. We will discuss how to write a good cover letter and how to format your responses and respond to difficult, mistaken, and unfair reviewer comments.
15:55-16:10 Q & A

Seminar 3 Frequent grammar errors in scholarly writing among non-native English writers and functions of punctuation
Date & time: 14:00 - 16:00 (open 13:30), Friday January 25, 2019
Venue: Hankyu Railway & Sanwa Bank Hall, Icho Kaikan 3F, Suita (No.11 on the map
Room capacity: 200
14:00-14:50 Frequent grammar errors among non-native English writers
Grammar errors impede comprehension and create a poor impression of your work. In addition, scholarly writing has its own usage conventions, which can vary by discipline and journal. We will discuss grammars that are especially difficult for non-native writers (subject-verb agreement, modifiers etc.) and usages that can be confusing.
14:50-15:00 Break
15:00-15:45 Functions and effective usage of punctuation
The importance of accurate punctuation is often underappreciated by writers; however, clear writing demands consistent, judicious punctuation. First and foremost, scholarly writing must be clear and accurate, and correct punctuation is an essential aspect of clear writing. Here we will discuss the various functions of the most frequently used punctuation marks, punctuation principles, and common punctuation errors and misunderstandings.
15:45-16:00 Q & A

2. Book exhibition
Exhibitions of books on academic writing and presentation skills will be held at the following Osaka University Libraries.

Main Library
Academic Skill corner (regular exhibition)
Life Sciences Library
Period:Monday January 21 through Friday January 25, 2019
Place:1F Entrance Hall, Life Sciences Library
Science and Engineering Library
Period:Monday January 7 through Monday January 28, 2019
Place:1F Learning Commons, West Building
International Studies Library
Period:Tuesday January 15, 2019 - (tentative)
Place:1F LUX, International Studies Library

3. Book fairs
Books fairs will be held at CO-OP Toyonaka Book Store, Suita School of Engineering Book Store, and Minoh Santi Book Store.
Bring your CO-OP member's card to get a discount.

Co-hosted by:
Research Management and Administration Section, Office of Management and Planning
Osaka University Library

Supported by:
Osaka University CO-OP
Department of Teaching and Learning of Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Career Center

*This event is financially sponsored by the MEXT's "Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities".


Inquiries :
writing-seminar@lserp.osaka-u.ac.jp (Research Management and Administration Section, Office of Management and Planning)