学内向け令和3年度(2021年度)採用分 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 申請支援について
1. 日時:令和2年3月13日(金)10:30~11:30
2. 場所:吹田キャンパス サイバーメディアセンター サイバーメディアコモンズ
3. プログラム:
・ Outline of JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists
・ How to Write a Good Proposal
・ Advice from a Current JSPS DC Fellow
・ Individual Consultation
4. 主催:経営企画オフィスURA部門
5. 協力:研究推進部研究推進課、国際部国際企画課
申請予定者が申請書を作成するにあたって、不明な点等がある場合に リサーチ・アドミニストレーター(URA)が相談を受付け、メールにてアドバイスを行います(研究内容のアドバイスをするものではありません。)(対応言語:日本語、英語)。
1. 対象
本学を受入機関又は申請機関として、令和 3(2021)年度採用分の特別研究員-DC、 PD、 RPD、海外特別研究員(RRA 含む)に申請を予定している者
2. 受付期間・方法
海外特別研究員(RRA 含む) 特別研究員-RPD申請予定者:令和2年3月16日 ~4月6日
特別研究員-DC, PD 申請予定者:令和2年4月1日 ~5月11日
・ 5営業日を目安として、メールにてアドバイスを返信します。
・ 作成した申請書自体に対するコメントは、原則行いません。
3. 留意事項
・ 研究内容についての質問や不明な点がある場合は、受入研究者及び所属部局の教員等と相談してください。
・ 申請手続き等、事務的な内容について質問や不明な点がある場合は、所属部局の事務担当に問い合わせしてください。
・ 上記以外の質問や不明な点がある場合は、リサーチ・アドミニストレーター(URA) による「申請書に対するメール相談」をご活用ください。「よくある質問」(随時更新)もご確認ください。
4. 問い合わせ先
【令和2年11月頃 実施予定】模擬面接
2021年7月16日(金) 更新
Support for the Application of "JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists" (FY2021)
March 16, 2020
Research Management and Administration (URA) Section, Office of Management and Planning is here to support you in applying for the GAKUSHIN fellowship. For more information, access KOAN or MyHandai.
Application Manual for the FY2021 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC)
The Application Manual for the FY 2021 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC) (日本学術振興会特別研究員) is for applicants intending to apply for the FY 2021 DC fellowship. Contents of this manual are based on the official JSPS Call for Proposals, and on our experiences of providing writing support for applicants in the past 6 years.
To download the PDF version of this manual, please refer to MyHandai.
This manual is not to be distributed outside of Osaka University.
(Cancellation)"JSPS (GAKUSHIN) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC)" Information Session
Notice of Cancellation (March 2, 2020)
Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we have decided to cancel the Information Session for the JSPS (Gakushin) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC). We apologize for any inconvenience that this causes. We are considering uploading a video of the seminar on MyHandai. If this is possible, we will send you further details at a later date. We thank you for your kind understanding on this matter.
The session is held in English and provides international graduate students with important information on the fellowship system and how to write the proposal.
1. Date & Time: 10:00-11:20 , Wednesday March 13, 2019
2. Venue: Cybermedia Commons, Cybermedia Center, Suita Campus
3. Program:
・ Outline of JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists
・ How to Write a Good Proposal
・ Advice from a Current JSPS DC Fellow
・ Individual Consultation
4. Organizer: Research Management and Administration (URA) Section, Office of Management and Planning
5. Support by:
Research Promotion Division, Department of Research Promotion
International Affairs Division, Department of International Affairs
“JSPS (GAKUSHIN) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists”General Enquiries
If you are planning to apply for the JSPS (GAKUSHIN) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists this year, please note that you can send any general enquiries about the Fellowship to the Office of Management and Planning.
1. Process: Please send enquiries through this link.
2. Submission period: April 1, 2020 - May 11, 2020
3. Note:
- Enquiries are welcome in either English or Japanese.
- We will endeavor to reply to enquiries within 5 business days.
- We are unable to provide feedback on details of your research, only general enquiries.
- Please speak with your academic supervisor or department if you have any questions about details of your research.
- If you have any questions about the application process or administrative procedures relating to the Fellowship, please contact the administrative personnel in your department. For further details, please refer to MyHandai.
- For any questions other than the above, please contact the Office of Management and Planning at the link above. Please be sure to read the “Frequently Asked Questions (regularly updated)” to check if your question has already been answered.
4. Contact:
Research Management and Administration (URA) Section, Office of Management and Planning, Osaka University
gakushintokubetsu[at sign]lserp.osaka-u.ac.jp
【To be announced】Mock Interview
To be announced for interview candidates around mid-October.