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学内向けFY 2019外国人研究者のための科研費申請マニュアルを作成しました

FY 2019 Application Manual (English) for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research available now English Text


この度は学内の外国人研究者及びその支援者へ向けた、英語による科研費公募情報、手続き、学内申請支援、申請書の書き方、よくある質問、日英用語集等をまとめた小冊子「Application Manual(Osaka University Version) for the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Program」を作成いたしました。ぜひご活用いただけますと幸いです:


2021年9月 1日(水) 更新

FY 2019 Application Manual (English) for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research available now

October 10, 2018
FY 2019外国人研究者のための科研費申請マニュアルを作成しました

As part of the Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities (研究大学強化促進事業), the Research Management and Administration Section, Office of Management and Planning is providing support for grant writing and mock interviews

Now we are pleased to announce that in order to help international researchers and their supports to apply for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), we have just issued an Application Manual (FY 2019 Edition) for researchers of Osaka University exclusively.

This manual contains important information on the KAKENHI system, the internal deadlines and application procedures, available support in Osaka University, advice on proposal writing, FAQs, KAKENHI glossary, and other useful information.

Please make full use of the manual if you are planning to apply for KAKENHI FY 2019:

http://osku.jp/c0460(login to My Handai required)